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四川省教育考试院办公室                                                2008年7月22日印发









Chapter1   Ⅲ.William  Shakespeare

           Ⅵ.John  Milton

Chapter2   Ⅲ.Daniel  Defoe

           Ⅳ.Jonathan  Swift

           Ⅴ.Henry  Fielding

Chapter3   Ⅰ.William  Blake

           Ⅱ.William  Wordsworth

           Ⅴ.Percy  Bysshe  Shelley

           Ⅶ.Jane  Austen

Chapter4   Ⅰ.Charles  Dickens

           Ⅱ.Charlotte  Bronte

           Ⅵ.Thomas  Hardy

Chapter5   Ⅰ.George  Bernard  Shaw




Chapter1   Ⅲ.Nathaniel  Hawthorne

           Ⅳ.Walt  Whitman

           Ⅴ.Herman  Melville

Chapter2   Ⅰ.Mark  Twain

           Ⅱ.Henry  James

           Ⅲ.Emily  Dickinson

           Ⅳ.Theodore  Dreiser

Chapter3   Ⅱ.Robert  Lee  Frost

           Ⅳ.F.Scott  Fitzgerald

           Ⅴ.Ernest  Hemingway

           Ⅵ.William  Faulkner






Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Chapter1   Land  and  People

          Ⅰ.Different Names  for Britain and its Parts


Chapter2   The  Origins  of  a  Nation

          Ⅰ.Early  Settlers

          3.The  Celts

          Ⅱ.Roman  Britain

          Ⅲ.The  Anglo-Saxons

          Ⅳ.The  Viking  and  Danish  Invasions

          Ⅴ.The  Norman  Conquest


Chapter3   The  Shaping  of  the  Nation

          Ⅰ.Norman  Rule

          1.William’s Rule

          Ⅱ.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament

             1.The  Great  Charter

             Ⅲ.The Hundred Years’War With France

             Ⅳ.The Black Death and the Peasant Uprising


Chapter4   Transition the Modern Age

           Ⅰ.Transition to the Modern Age

           Ⅱ.The English Reforation

           Ⅲ.Elizabeth I

             1.          Elizabeth and Parliament

             2.          Elizabeth’s Religious Reform

             3.          Elizabeth’s Foreign Polocy

           Ⅳ.The English Renaissance

           Ⅶ.The Civil Wars

           Ⅷ.The Commonwealth

           Ⅸ.The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688


Chapter5   The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

          Ⅰ.Whigs and Tories

          Ⅱ.Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th  Century

          Ⅲ.The Industrial Revolution

          Ⅳ.The Chartist Movement

          Ⅶ.Twentieth Century

          1.       Britain and the First World War

          2.       Britain and the Second World War

          3.       Postwar Britain


Chapter7   Government and Administration

         Ⅰ.The Monarchy


          1.       The House of Lords

          2.       The House of Commons

          Ⅲ.The Cabinet and Ministry

          Ⅳ. The Privy Council


Chapter8   Justice and the Law

           Ⅳ.The Judiciary



Chapter9   Social Affairs

           Ⅰ.Health and Social Services

            1.The National Health Service


            1.Established churches

           Ⅳ.Festivals and Public Holidays

1.       Christian festivals

2.       Other festivals

3.       Public holidays


Chapter10  Cultural Affairs


            3.Higher education

           Ⅱ.The Media



            Ⅳ.The Arts



Part Two  The Repubilc of Ireland


Chapter 11  Geography and history

            I.                    Geographical Features

            II.                 Climate and weather

            III.               Population and Religion

            IV.               Historical background



                 Part Three  The United States of America


Chapter 14  Population, Race and Ethnic Groups

            I.      Introduction

            IV.     Racial and Ethnic Minorities

             1.        Blacks


Chapter 15  American History (I)

            I.      Discovery of the New World

            II.                 The Colonial Period

            III.               The War of Independence

            IV.               A New Form of Government

            VI.    Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement

            VII.             The Civil War

            VIII.          Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War


Chapter 16  American History (II)

            I.                    Economic Development

            II.                 Progressivism

            III.               World War I and the United States

            IV.               The United States in the 1920s

            V.                  The great Depression and the New Deal

            VI.               World War II and the United States


Chapter 17  American History (III)

            I.   The Origins of the Cold War

            II.  The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan

            V.   McCarthyism

            VII. American Society During the Postwar Boom:1945-1960s

            Ⅷ.    The Cuban Missile Crisis

            Ⅸ.    The Vietnam War

            Ⅹ.    United States’ Relations with China

            Ⅻ.    Watergate Scandal


Chapter 18  The Economy

     (Two paragraphs)

            I.     The Economic System of the United States

            V.     Foreign Trade

            VI.    Problems in the U.S Economy


Chapter 19  Political Institutions

           I.     The U.S. Constitution

           1. The Federal system

           2. Separation of powers: checks and balances

           3. Provisions for amendment

           II.     The Executive Branch

           1.The Presidency

           2.Presidential Powers

           Ⅲ.    The Legislative Branch

           1.Powers of the House and Senate

           2.Offices of the Congress

           3.Functions of the Congress

           V.   Political parties (two-party system)


Chapter 20  Education

            I.     Characteristics of American Education

            II.    Elementary and Secondary Education

            III.   Higher Education

             V.   Education Reforms


Chapter 21  Literature, Architecture and Music

             I.  American Literature

             1. Washington Irving

             2. Emerson and Hawthorne

             3. Mark Twain

             4. Whitman and Dickinson

             5. Theodore Dreiser


             7. Ernest Hemingway

             8. Hughes and Wright


Chapter 22  Holidays and Festivals

             I. New Year’s Day

             VI. Valentine’s Day

             VII. Easter Day

             VIII.Independence Day

             IX.   Halloween

             X.    Thanksgiving Day

             XI.    Christmas Day


                       Part Four  Canada


Chapter 23  Geography and History

             I. Geographic Features

             4. Geographic regions

             II.The making of Canada

             1. The European discovery

             3. Self-government and Confederation


             4. The Canadian nation


Chapter 26  Society and Culture

             I. Canadian Society

             1. Population

             2. Immigration

             3. Bilingualism

             4. Multiculturalism


                      Part Five  Australia


Chapter 27  Land and people

             I. The Geographical Structure

             1. The Great Western Plateau

             2. The Eastern Highlands

             3.The Central Eastern Lowlands

             II. Climate

             3. Causes and effects of the hot and dry climate

             IV. People

              1.       Population

              2.       Population density and distribution

              V. Australia’s Built Environment

              1. Sprawling cities

              2. Rural areas

              VI. Political Divisions

               1.       New South Wales

               2.       Victoria

               3.       Queensland

               4.       South Australia

               5.       West Australia

               6.       Tasmania


Chapter 32  Society and Culture

              IV. Australian Culture

              1.       Aboriginal culture

              2.       Modern Australian culture


                         Part Six  New Zealand


Chapter 33  The Making if New Zealand

              I.                    Geography

              II.                 Climate

              III.               Plants and Animals

              IV.               Historical Background

              2. The Treaty of Waitangi 1840

              VI.    Maoritanga

               5. Race relations